Sunday, May 10, 2020

Fr. Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie, MSP - May 10, 2020. Homily for Fifth Sunday of Easter

Acts 6:1-7, 1 Peter 2:4-9, John 14:1-12
Have you ever come across people who have either stopped going to the Church or have left to join another one? I have come across some of these people myself. If you engage such people in discussion, you will be shocked to discover the flimsy reasons some of them give for such decisions. Someone called me recently, lamenting that she is not sure whether she will still continue as a member of CWO after this Covid-19 pandemic, because someone gave 2 bags of rice to be shared for the poor and indigent during this Corona wahala, and he did not receive anything from the group.
As Christians, we know that our lives are not individualistic but communitarian. We all come together  to form the body of Christ. Sometimes we allow meaningless things to divide this body of Christ.
In the first reading of today, we see how something as material as food was about to destroy all the effort the Apostles had put into the spreading of the gospel. When we come together as Christians, we can achieve so much more, but when we allow little things like food, drinks, money, pride, and other perishable material and earthly things to divide us, we can do nothing. As the Apostles made the people to understand today, the work of the priests are spiritual, and not to be settling quarrels about food and drink. To make a priest do this is to thwart the work of evangelisation.
In the second reading, St Peter tells us that as Christians, we are to hold dear what is important, even though others do not. Christians recognize what is important and worthwhile and do not waste their time and energy on what is not. As Peter tells us today,  Christians are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, a people set apart to sing the praises of God who called us out of the darkness into his wonderful light.
Jesus therefore tells us in the gospel reading, not to let our hearts be troubled with things of this world that are not important, we should rather set our minds on how to make heaven because he has gone there to prepare the place for us. We should not bother about how to get there, we only need to look up to Jesus and follow his steps. He will lead us there because he is the way to the father. God help us. Amen
Fr Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie MSP.

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Fr. Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie, MSP - Homily for the Seventh Sunday of Easter- May 16, 2021

 SUNDAY 16TH MAY 2021 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts 1:15-17,20-26 Psalm 102:1-2,11-12,19-20 1 John 4:11-16 John 17:11-19 THE HOL...