Sunday, August 9, 2020

Fr. Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie, MSP - Homily for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary time Year A - August 9, 2020



1 Kings 19:9,11-13, Psalm 84:9-14, Romans 9:1-5, Matthew 14:22-33


Do not be afraid,  God is always close to you.


The readings of today present to us the consciousness of God's abiding presence in our lives especially in our greatest moments of need. Sometimes we are too afraid to call on him, and sometimes we do not recognize him when he comes to our aid.

Before the chapter of the first reading of today, the prophet Elijah had engaged the prophets of Baal in a contest on mount Carmel, after which the prophets of Baal were slaughtered. Queen Jezebel therefore, vowed to get Elijah killed. Elijah had to run for his dear life. He ran from Jezebel to hide in mount Horeb and was expecting God to speak to him on what to do next. He was tired and exhausted, and feeling that God had abandoned him, he said that he had had enough, that God should take his life. Some people may have been in very difficult situations that they asked God to take their lives. It could be failed business, sicknesses and diseases, loss of a loved one and the likes. God therefore visited Elijah, but not exactly the way he expected. Since God had answered him with fire from heaven on mount Carmel, he thought God will also come in an earthquake  or wind or fire, but God appeared to him and calmed his fears in a still small voice. We should also endeavour to listen to God in our minds, not only in external things.

In the gospel reading, Jesus was tired after his preaching  and multiplication of the loaves of bread as we read last Sunday. He told his disciples to go back home while he will go somewhere to rest and pray. The disciples ran into trouble on their way as the wind was against them on sea. They were in great fear, trouble and distress. Jesus who knew what they were passing through, started walking on water to calm the storm and calm their fears. The presence of Jesus on the water calmed the storm. He told the disciples, it is I, do not be afraid. In otherwords, I am aware, do not be afraid, I am here, do not be afraid.

When Jesus invited Peter to also walk on the water towards him, and Peter began to sink, he called on to Jesus to save him out of fear, and Jesus conquered his fear and dragged him up. When you are sinking and you are afraid like Elijah, the Apostles, especially Peter, be assured that Jesus is always close to you. Call on hom and run to him today, and he will conquer all your fears. God help us. Amen.

Fr Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie MSP

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