Romans 6:3-11
Matthew 28:1-10
The whole world is silent. The close friends of Jesus, especially his disciples cannot believe that Jesus has actually died. We too are sad because it was our sins that nailed him to the cross. The disciples of Jesus had already lost hope when they saw Jesus captured and crucified. They saw Jesus die and buried. They could not imagine it, no wonder they ran away and even Peter denied him.
The plan of God to save us did not just start on good Friday, but since our first parents as we see in the seven readings from the Old Testament today. God had through various means and people tried to reconcile us to himself. We see how he led the Israelites through the wilderness despite all their sins. The Pascal candle which represents Christ, means that Christ the light has come to illumine our darkened world.
As St Paul tells us in Gal 4:4, at the fullness of time, God sent his son, born of a woman to save us from our sins. We are therefore happy today because after Good Friday comes Easter.
As we await the glorious resurrection of our saviour from the dead tonight, we are called to be more conscious of our lives. As we enter a glorious season of Easter, we should not forget our lenten observances and sacrifices. We should not forget our prayers, fasting and almsgiving. We should avoid sin. Not doing this is not to appreciate the death of Christ on the cross.
Mary Magdalene is a very good example in the gospel reading of today. When others lost hope in Jesus and wanted to return to their former ways of life, she trusted Jesus and continued to show her love for Jesus even in death. She was therefore privileged to be the first person to see Jesus after his resurrection.
We have every reason to celebrate today and make merry. May the joy of the risen Christ continue to radiate in our lives and help us to hold on firmly to him regardless of any situation.
Lord, our sins caused you pain and suffering and death. May your resurrection bring joy, laughter and light to our world. Amen.
Fr Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie, MS
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