Sunday, November 8, 2020

Fr. Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie, MSP - Homily for Monday Week 31 Ordinary time - November 9, 2020

MONDAY 9TH NOVEMBER 2020 FEAST OF THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Ezekiel 47:1-2,8-9,12, 1 Corinthians 3:9-11,16-17 John 2:13-22 THE CHURCH IS A HOUSE OF PRAYER Many of us may wonder why we celebrate the dedication of a church. What is so special about it? The beginning of the Church was a very turbulent period as many emperors persecuted it and tried all they could to suppress and eliminate it. But at the beginning of the 4th century, Emperor Constantine did not only allow the Christian religion, he proclaimed christianity as the religion of the state. He allowed his consort Fausta to give out part of the Lateran palace to the church. In 324 AD, this Lateran palace on the Lateran hill in Rome was dedicated as the Lateran Basilica. This was the first official building recognized by the state. This Lateran Basilica was therefore the first seat of power of the Pope. It was to the catholic church what St Peter's Basilica is today. It was the first sign of unity of the church. Some of the relics in the basilica were said to be the heads of St Peter and Paul, the wooden table Peter used to celebrate mass at the house of pudens, as well as the table of the last supper. In the readings of today, we see that the church is not just a normal building, it is the house of God and it is dedicated for that purpose. In the first reading, the prophet Ezekiel tells us how he saw the blessings of God flowing from the temple. In the gospel reading, we see how Jesus drove out those who were using the temple as a place of business. Some of us Christians still think and act as if the church is a place of business. Jesus warns us today to stop turning the house of God into a business venture. All those who use the church for their private business will be driven out of the kingdom of God. St Paul in the second reading tells us to contribute our quota to the building of the church of God. The foundation has already been laid by Christ, no other foundation is necessary; let us therefore be conscious of the presence of God whenever we are in the church. When you enter the church, do not forget to genuflect or bow as the case may be, do not forget to maintain silence and decorum. God is present in his church, and he will answer us when we pray to him. God help us. Amen. Fr Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie MSP

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Fr. Michael Osatofoh Eninlejie, MSP - Homily for the Seventh Sunday of Easter- May 16, 2021

 SUNDAY 16TH MAY 2021 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts 1:15-17,20-26 Psalm 102:1-2,11-12,19-20 1 John 4:11-16 John 17:11-19 THE HOL...